Guelph Community Singers

Guelph Community Singers

GCS Weekly Warm Up 090916

GCS Weekly Warm Up 090916

Posted September 12, 2016

Hello my singing friends!

Well that was fun, wasn’t it? We’re delighted that you could all make it and for those of you who are new to the choir, a big WELCOME!! We hope you enjoy it as much as we all do.

And don’t we sound great at Trinity United! We are very fortunate to be able to have such wonderful acoustics. Our new friends at Trinity have asked that we PLEASE remember to take our cups, garbage, etc. away with us at the end of each practice.

Registration was a breeze!! Thanks to everyone who helped us get organized, and everyone situated. We had 24 new people try us out! 9 found us through an internet search, a few found us via our posters and 5 were recommended by you! Keep it up, friends!

Remember – You can still bring folks to register September 14th and 21st, 7PM.

Danny Boy (Overheard: Should I work on my Irish accent? No, if it ain’t brogue, don’t fix it)
Imagine (yew-hoo-o-o-o-)

What? You mean I get to practice ahead of time? Yes indeed! This coming Wednesday we will be working on:

Danny Boy
Last Rose of Summer
Always look on the Bright side of life (if we have enough time)

Janna Pardy, talented singer, voice and piano teacher, is at it already! Danny Boy and Imagine were recorded and uploaded to the Guelph Community Singers website. To access the practice tracks, the password is “gcs”, lower case, no quotes. Thanks Janna! If anyone is interested in taking lessons to improve their range or projection, contact Janna at

David Carpenter is our web master, and he has also posted some YouTube videos to give you an idea of how the choir versions sound in performance. Thanks Dave!

Alain Carriere, our Music Librarian, writes: A note on this session’s sheet music. There are 12 songs this session (British theme) – some of you may be missing one or two that were back-ordered, they’ll be made available shortly. This session we borrowed five pieces of music from Centre Wellington Singers, which helps us keep costs down (you’ll see a CWS stamp on these copies). Some of the CWS copies have holes punched for a three-ring binder, and some don’t; CWS has requested that we not punch holes in those that don’t – instead please use the plastic holders provided for these copies. Also, remember that you are allowed to mark up the music with your notes as long as you use pencil or erasable/removable means. Let Alain Carriere know if you have any questions about sheet music, if you’re missing anything, have two copies of one of the pieces, etc.


We asked and you answered! Thank you to those who offered to drive. I am putting together a list of drivers and passengers and I’ll put you together. In the short term: Alan Breznick and Geoff Krauter could use a ride. If you’re coming from the south end or downtown, could you contact me and I’ll coordinate?

Trinity United – Guelph United Performers: Barbara Moldenhauer would like you to know about GUELPH UNITED PERFORMERS. She and Andrea LeBlanc , who is the Music Director at Trinity, offer a COMMUNITY THEATRE CLUB for actors ages 11 to 17; and an exciting new vocal group, THE ALLEGROS, for ages 11 and over. COMMUNITY THEATRE CLUB produces a major Show in early March, and there will be singing opportunities for THE ALLEGROS as well. Professional, very affordable and lots of fun! Both groups meet at Trinity U.C. , beginning September 27/16 to early March /17. Check out our website,, or contact Barbara,, 519 824 6172.

We had some lovely times at ‘Into the Woods’ and dinner at Baker Street Station last year. Would you like to do that again? We’ll need a volunteer (or two) who want to help organize these get-togethers. Let me know if you’d like to help.

Did you know that when I’m not singing I work in real estate? We’re putting together a Friends of GCS page on FaceBook, so you can connect with your fellow members. It will include a voluntary members directory for those of you who would like to share what you do, offer your products or services, and round out the social experience of being in this phenomenal choir. This is also where our social events will be posted. If you’re on Facebook, find us and join the group!

SESSION ONE (18 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION  September 7-21, 2016
REHEARSALS     September 7- December 14, 7:30-9PM
BREAK                December 21-28
REHEARSALS    January 4-18 2017 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS     October 19, January 4
CONCERT          January 21, 2017

SESSION TWO (17 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION   February 1-15, 2017
REHEARSALS      February 1-March 8, 7:30-9PM
BREAK                 March 15
REHEARSALS     May 17-31 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS      March 22, May 17
CONCERT           June 3, 2017

See you Wednesday!

Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator

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Quotes from our members

  • “Great people singing can never be anything but wonderful.”

  • “I love that the pieces chosen are challenging but doable. I love the inclusivity of it.”

  • “I enjoyed hearing how we sounded in the end. All that hard work paid off. Such a great harmonized sound.”

  • “I like challenging myself to sing songs I never thought I could.”

  • “I’m so glad to be part of this choir. I find it very grounding.”

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