Guelph Community Singers

Guelph Community Singers

Weekly Warmup (V151019)

Weekly Warmup (V151019)

Posted October 22, 2015

Well hey there, my singing friends! Did you gird your loins for Dancing Dancing River and find that it was easier than you feared? I thought it went pretty well! Also, I loved hearing us sing Osiem. It has a wonderful anthem quality to it and I felt our voices melded really well together.

Is it just me, or do you also sing better when surrounded by voices all crowded together? Can I suggest that we gather together in our seats rather than be spaced apart?

Last week, we sang:

  • Dancing Dancing River, p9 – end.
  • Osiem
  • Sea Song

Music Reading Workshop!

Did you enjoy the workshop? We’re planning a second workshop for October 28, 6:45 in the Sanctuary.


We start sectionals THIS WEDNESDAY October 21 at 7:30. Sopranos meet in the Sanctuary, Altos in the parlour and Tenors and Baritones in the room next to the parlour, with Colonel Mustard and the candlestick. Can someone please be there early to help Grace set up her piano at 7:15?

Practice Tracks
All the tracks should be on the website by the end of the week. Note that the Miqmac song will not be recorded, as it is improvisational. What is your spirit animal? What does it sound like?

Seeking New Venues for Practices and Performances

We have had a few great suggestions for new practice and performance venues, and we’re looking into them. Keep the ideas coming!

C’mon get social!

A message from Lorna Rourke: Hello Singers! I’m a fairly new choir member. One of the reasons I joined the choir, aside from wanting to sing, was to have some fun and meet new people. When I mentioned this to a couple of the Board members, they ‘volunteered’ me for the Social Committee! 🙂

So… if you have any ideas about social events for the choir, please contact me and we’ll figure something out. I know that movie nights have happened in the past–anyone interested in hosting one of those? Any other great ideas out there? Let me know your thoughts. My email is Or just talk to me at choir–I’m an alto. 🙂

And a reminder that the group meets at the Penny Whistle after choir ever week. I’ve only made it once, but it’s really fun! If you haven’t tried it yet, stop by!


Session 1 Rehearsals:    Sept 9th – Jan 20 (no rehearsals Dec 23/30)
Winter Concert:             Jan 23rd
Break:                            Jan 27
Session 2 Rehearsals:   Feb 3 – June 1
Break:                            March 16th (to be confirmed)
Spring Concert:             June 4th

I’m away this week, celebrating my birthday in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Enjoy yourself on Wednesday!

Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator

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Quotes from our members

  • “Great people singing can never be anything but wonderful.”

  • “I love that the pieces chosen are challenging but doable. I love the inclusivity of it.”

  • “I enjoyed hearing how we sounded in the end. All that hard work paid off. Such a great harmonized sound.”

  • “I like challenging myself to sing songs I never thought I could.”

  • “I’m so glad to be part of this choir. I find it very grounding.”

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