Guelph Community Singers

They Make It Happen

They’re the bread to our butter. The musical notes to our silence. The exclamation mark at the end of our sentence. Henry Muth, our music director, and Grace Peters, our accompanist, lead the Guelph Community Singers. We asked them…

Henry MuthHenry Muth, Director

Q: What’s your absolute favourite part of being the director of the Guelph Community Singers? 

A: The people in the choir, absolutely. They’re really friendly, and they have a great attitude towards music.

Q: If you could perform any piece of music in any venue, what would you choose and why?

A: I think I would do the Fauré Requiem, maybe at the Sistene Chapel. I think it’s an incredible piece of choral music, and it really affected me when I sang it as a young man. I’d like to perform it at the Sistene Chapel so I could just look up while I’m doing it.

Q: When do you find yourself singing?

A: Most of the time. I find myself singing when I’m walking, when I’m biking, sometimes I’m even humming when I’m reading. I like to sing when I drive too, so I guess that transportation definitely encourages singing for me!

Q: Finish this sentence: “My guilty pleasure that I enjoy too much to give up is…”

A: Listening to loud Punk when I do the dishes.

graceGrace Peters, Accompanist

Q: What’s your absolute favourite part of being the accompanist for the Guelph Community Singers? 

A: My favourite part is working with this incredible group of people! Everyone treats me so well. We also perform some pretty awesome music and that means more time for me at the piano, which is where I love to be.

Q: If you could perform any piece of music in any venue, what would you choose and why?

A: Chopin’s “Fantasie-Impromptu,” because I love to play Chopin and this piece always wows me.

Q: When do you find yourself singing?

A: I sing all the time! My daughter and I respond to each other often via our favourite song lyrics and Broadway show tunes. There is a lot of music in our house. I also sing while I drive and air-drum too. 🙂

Q: Finish this sentence: My guilty pleasure that I enjoy too much to give up is…

A: Reading. I read all the time, and usually have a pile of books at my bedside because I can’t read just one at a time.

Quotes from our members

  • “Great people singing can never be anything but wonderful.”

  • “I love that the pieces chosen are challenging but doable. I love the inclusivity of it.”

  • “I enjoyed hearing how we sounded in the end. All that hard work paid off. Such a great harmonized sound.”

  • “I like challenging myself to sing songs I never thought I could.”

  • “I’m so glad to be part of this choir. I find it very grounding.”

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