GCS Weekly Warm Up (111816)
Posted December 6, 2016Hello my singing friends!
Wow that was a great practice! We are sounding very strong. Kudos to Rachel who has been encouraging us to review every week. The more we sing, the better we sound!
A favour: Some of us are very sensitive to perfumes. One Soprano in particular gets quite ill when she is near strong perfume. It would be a shame if she had to quit as a result. Please don’t wear scents to our practices. Thank you!!
Kristin Rowley (Soprano) has been learning drumming and will be performing at the Library on Dec. 17th. 1PM. Also, she will be doing Tai Chi as part of the Santa Clause Parade. She may also be doing her own mini performance, details to follow.
Storm Game December 28 – We will have the sign up sheet at the front again this coming Wednesday. If you can’t be there this Wednesday but would like to sign up, please send me an email with your name and section.
What We Sang Last
Thinking Out Loud
Danny Boy
Red Red Rose
O Canada
Last Rose of Summer
What We’re singing Next
Loch Lomond
O Canada
Solos on Hello, Bright Side, Flashlight
Nella Fantasia (If we have time)
Practice Tracks
Click on https://www.guelphcommunitysingers.ca/members/practice-tracks/. The password is ‘gcs’.
Join us after Choir!
You’re all welcome to join us after choir for a cuppa tea or your bevvie of choice at the Pennywhistle. We enjoy talking about what we’re singing, and of course it’s always fun to make new friends.
SESSION ONE (18 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION September 7-21, 2016
REHEARSALS September 7- December 14, 7:30-9PM
BREAK December 21-28
REHEARSALS January 4-18 2017 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS October 19, January 4
CONCERT January 21, 2017
SESSION TWO (17 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION February 1-15, 2017
REHEARSALS February 1-March 8, 7:30-9PM
BREAK March 15
REHEARSALS May 17-31 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS March 22, May 17
CONCERT June 3, 2017
See you soon!
Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator
For the Joy of Singing!
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