GCS Weekly Warmup (030417)
Posted March 8, 2017Hello my singing friends!
Choir Member Directory – is coming along nicely. Let me know if you would like to be included. If you have a product or service that you would like your fellow members to know about, please reply with the following information:
Occupation (title)
Brief description (10 words or less)
Web page
Phone number
What we sang last:
Nobody mourns
Your song
Seasons of love
What we’re singing next:
Defying Gravity O siem
For good
Social Stuff:
Would you like to get together with other choir members socially? How about dinner before practice? A movie night?
March 23 – Who’s up for a night on the town in Toronto? Lower Ossington Theatre is presenting ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, which opens March 23. Would anyone like to go as a group? Flip me an email if you’re interested.
Bob Fanning wants you to know about some upcoming photo hikes. Contact Bob for details at 519 822 5181 or fanbobam@gmail.com
Sun Apr 2, 2:PM Ignatius Centre Photo Hike, 1.5-2 hours
Sat May 13 2:PM Arboretum Amazing Race Photo Challenge II, 1.5-2 hours
Wed Jun 28 7:30PM Summer Solstice Guelph Lake Photo Hike, 1.5-2 hours
April 9 – Guelph Symphony Orchestra and University of Guelph Choir will be presenting Verdi’s Requiem at the Basilica on April 9. Go to the River Run website for tickets. https://secure1.tixhub.com/guelph/online/b_otix.asp?cboPerformances=3662&cboEvent=2244&iEvents_id=2244
April 23 – SING for Children (singers/musicians wanted.) – A fundraiser for Children’s Foundation of Guelph
Sunday, April 23 at 2:00pm, Holy Rosary Church, 175 Emma St, Guelph, ON N1E 1V6
Choir Master Stephen Roloson is inviting all singers and musicians in Guelph to be part of a Concert in Support of The Children’s Foundation of Guelph. Vocal Rehearsals take place at Holy Rosary Parish – 175 Emma Street, Guelph from 1 to 3 pm.
– March 5, 12, 26
– Concert April 23 – from 2 to 3 pm.
Join singers from all across the city and musicians from The Guelph Symphony and The Guelph Concert Band as we prepare music to celebrate the spring season. PLEASE CONTACT Steve Roloson at hrchoirmaster@rogers.com if you would like to join the choir or the band! Admission to the concert will be by donation.
April 27 – Royal City Musical Productions will be presenting 9 TO 5 – THE MUSICAL River Run Centre.
Join us after Choir!
You’re all welcome to join us after choir for a cuppa tea or your bevvie of choice at the Pennywhistle. We enjoy talking about what we’re singing, and of course it’s always fun to make new friends.
Please use the Balsam Street Entrance: Trinity United is trying to manage cleaning costs. If you feel you must use the parking lot entrance, please remove your shoes at the door.
No boots in the Sanctuary! Don’t forget to bring slippers or shoes!
Be Scent Savvy: Some of us are very sensitive to scents. This can include hair spray, body lotion, and other scented products. Because you wear it all the time, you may not even realize that your scent is affecting others. Please give a thought to the products you wear, and please don’t wear scents to our practices. Thank you!!
REGISTRATION February 1-15, 2017
REHEARSALS February 1-May 10, 7:30-9PM
BREAK March 15
CHANGE OF VENUE: April 12, 7:30-9PM – First Baptist Church
CHANGE OF DATE: Monday May 1 instead of Wednesday May 3 7:30-9PM
REHEARSALS May 17-31 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS March 22, May 17
CONCERT June 3, 2017
See you Wednesday!
Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator
For the Joy of Singing!
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