GCS Weekly Warmup (092516)
Posted September 26, 2016Hello my singing friends!
Registration is now closed for this session. By my count, we have 79 members, including 21 new members! Awesome!
What We Sang Last Week
We sang Flashlight and The Last Rose of Summer.
What We’re Singing Next!
Always look on the Bright side of life
Green Trial Binders
Do you all have nice new black binders? Some of you were given green trial binders to start with, and a few of these are still in circulation. If you still have a green binder, please return it. We’re all out of music and we want to make sure that each of our members have one full set.
Cheat Sheets
Kira and Dave created a wonderful “Cheat Sheet” called ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about reading music but were afraid to ask. Want a copy? Just ask. [… or download a copy!]
Music Reading Workshop
Grace, our accompanist, will be holding a Music Reading Workshop on September 28 and October 5. Be there at 6:30!
Practice Tracks
Many thanks to Janna Pardy who has been so speedy recording our practice tracks! She has already recorded and uploaded these pieces to the Guelph Community Singers website. Click on https://www.guelphcommunitysingers.ca/members/practice-tracks/. The password is ‘gcs’. By the way, Janna is a brilliant voice and piano teacher. If anyone is interested in taking lessons to improve their singing voice, range or projection, contact Janna at jannapardy@hotmail.com.
Friends of GCS FaceBook page
Did you know that when I’m not singing I work in real estate? We’re putting together a Friends of GCS page on FaceBook, so you can connect with your fellow members. It will include a voluntary members directory for those of you who would like to share what you do, offer your products or services, and round out the social experience of being in this phenomenal choir. This is also where our social events will be posted. If you’re on Facebook, find us and join the group!
SESSION ONE (18 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION September 7-21, 2016
REHEARSALS September 7- December 14, 7:30-9PM
BREAK December 21-28
REHEARSALS January 4-18 2017 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS October 19, January 4
CONCERT January 21, 2017
SESSION TWO (17 rehearsals)
REGISTRATION February 1-15, 2017
REHEARSALS February 1-March 8, 7:30-9PM
BREAK March 15
REHEARSALS May 17-31 (2 hour rehearsals) 7:30-9:30PM
SECTIONALS March 22, May 17
CONCERT June 3, 2017
See you soon!
Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator