Weekly Warmup (V150928)
Posted September 30, 2015Hey all – at last count, we are 79! How amazing is that! Many of us join as a way to make new friends, so here is your chance! Introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met yet.
Seeking New Venues for Practices and Performances
Both the Baptist Church and Trinity United have raised their fees, so we are exploring new venues. Do you know of a location we should consider? Please reply to this email or talk to Alain at our next practice.
Baby news!
Heather Dyer, who did sectionals for Altos last session, just had a baby girl, Lucy Eleanor. Mat Ernst (that quiet, retiring Tenor guy) is a new dad – daughter Leah and Mom doing well, apparently with no sleep.
Last week, we sang:
- Fare Thee Well Love (page 11 to end)
- Log Driver’s Waltz
- All Too Soon (to end of page 8)
For Wednesday – please take time to watch ‘Dancing Dancing River’ SATB on Youtube. Here are two versions:
Practice Tracks!
The practice tracks for ‘Un Canadien Errant’, ‘Osiem’, ‘Log Driver’s Waltz’ and ‘Fare Thee Well Love’ are now on the website. New songs being recorded and loaded as they come available. You will also find youtube videos for other pieces that we will be learning, including the above mentioned ‘All Too Soon’.
Check out our new site here: www.guelphcommunitysingers.ca. To access the ‘Members Only’ section, use the password ‘gcs’, lowercase.
Music Reading Workshop!
Stay tuned for news on a workshop to help those of us who are music reading challenged. We will be hosting a music reading workshop 45 minutes before an upcoming choir practice. Date to be confirmed shortly.
Volunteer Opportunities
We’re still looking for new member ambassadors, social committee members and help with finding a new venue. Please give us a hand with these important tasks if you can.
Session 1 Rehearsals: Sept 9th – Jan 20 (no rehearsals Dec 23/30)
Winter Concert: Jan 23rd
Break: Jan 27
Session 2 Rehearsals: Feb 3 – June 1
Break: March 16th (to be confirmed)
Spring Concert: June 4th
See you on Wednesday!
Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator