Weekly Warmup (V151109)
Posted November 10, 2015Hi my singing friends!
Last week, we sang:
- After the Goldrush
- Dancing Dancing River
Practice Tracks
Want to meet Janna, the lovely voice on the practice tracks? She’s going to join us at the Pennywhistle this Wednesday after practice. If you haven’t already listened to the tracks, go here: www.guelphcommunitysingers.com Access to Members Section on the GCS Website: password is gcs.
Social Notes
A bunch of us went to see the Guelph Chamber Choir perform Carmina Burana last Saturday. What a fantastic performance! I for one was misty-eyed watching Sheila Dietrich and Kevin McMillan. And what an experience to see 100+ choristers belt out O Fortuna. Was that our pal Steve Jacobs in that crowd? AMAZING! Special thanks to Barb Anderson for coordinating tickets.
This week’s offerings from Lorna:
- “Soul Music”: A musical exploration of spirituality featuring Kyle Matthews at Harcourt United Church, 87 Dean Avenue, Guelph, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost $10 to $20; includes lunch https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/soul-music-workshop-retreat-tickets-19150051319
- Mo’ Kauffey benefit concert, in support of local musician Mo’ Kauffey’s battle with cancer, featuring many Guelph musicians. Tuesday November 17 at 7:00 p.m.; $20.
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mo-town-benefit-concert-tickets-19343882072 - Handel’s Messiah Sing-along: Listen, join the choir and sing! Sunday December 20, 2015. Donation to Children First Fund in lieu of tickets. www.fcsgw.org www.guelphchamberchoir.ca
- The Inspiration Concert is coming up on Thurs. Nov 12. Tickets only $15 and all money goes to the Children’s Foundation to support children participating in the arts. It is at the River Run centre and a combination of professional and high school musicians. Tickets available at http://riverrun.ca/
- Pre-Choir dinner at the Woolwich Arms or Baker Street Station? How about Wednesday December 2 at 5:45 p.m. Please email Lorna at rourke.lorna@gmail.com if you’d like to join in.
Session 1 Rehearsals: Sept 9th – Jan 20 (no rehearsals Dec 23/30)
Winter Concert: Jan 23rd
Break: Jan 27
Session 2 Rehearsals: Feb 3 – June 1
Break: March 16th (to be confirmed)
Spring Concert: June 4th
Lise Anne Janis
Membership Coordinator