Guelph Community Singers Annual General Meeting and Special Members Meeting June 14, 2017 7:30PM
Posted July 16, 2017Dear Members:
Please join us on June 14th for our Annual General Meeting and Special Members Meeting.
The purpose of the ‘Special Members Meeting’ is to pass an ‘extraordinary resolution’ to vote on and waive having an audit or review engagement.
The GCS Board is requesting this because our annual revenue falls so far below the required audit threshold of $500,000, and the audit/review cost is so high that an audit would only serve to increase dues or decrease our level of programming.
A copy of our financials can be found here:
This special meeting will coincide with our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Reminder that the meeting starts at 7:30 pm and is held at Trinity United Church, in the lower hall.
Attached, please find an agenda, and minutes from last year’s AGM for approval at the meeting.
Hope to see you there!
The GCS Board
For the Joy of Singing!
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